Conservation. Species-rich Neutral Grassland sites in Barnsley are small in area, localised and fragmented; with many lost or declining in condition: Neutral Grassland is a priority for conservation.
Factors causing loss or decline
Legal protection
In Barnsley there are some neutral grassland sites given legal protection by designation as SSSIs.
Other grassland sites in Barnsley are in areas designated as Local Wildlife Sites and therefore there is a presumption against development or change of use when planning consent is required.
Specific wildlife species found in grassland habitats are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. This includes intentionally or recklessly disturbing birds at, on or near an ‘active’ nest.
Defra Ecological Impact Assessments apply to species rich grasslands.
Any older grassland with a range of native flowers should be managed in traditional low-intensity ways.
Links for advice and information
Floralocale: grassland management and restoration
Magnificent meadows information+guidance
RSPB: Grazing grassland
RSPB: Hay meadows
RSPB: Grassland management for birds
Buglife: Grassland management
Buglife: Community meadows
NE: Assessing grassland priority habitat
Good management practice for biodiversity:
Maintaining or returning to traditional low-intensity farming of semi-natural unimproved or semi-improved grassland.
In addition