Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Conservation. Although Lowland heathland is rather scarce and fragmented in Barnsley, and may suffer from neglect or overgrazing, there is potential for restoration and conservation.

Factors causing loss or decline

Legal protection

National policies have a presumption against clearance of lowland heathland in favourable condition for other land uses and development.

Some areas of lowland heath in Barnsley are within sites designated as Local Wildlife Site.

LWS have a presumption against development and change of use but have no protection against operations that do not require planning consent.

Some Lowland Heathland is found within sites designated as the Dearne Valley Wetlands SSSI for the bird species they support. SSSIs have legal protection and certain operations require consent from Natural England.

The Defra Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) Regulations may apply.

Activities on lowland heath where protected species are present may involve offences being committed under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. Protected species include all breeding birds. Licences may be needed from Natural England.



Lowland Heathland

Natural England

Lowland Heath Management handbook

Lowland heath management booklet

Heathland landscape


Habitat management Lowland Heathland


Rehabilitation of Lowland Heathland

 Lowland Heath  Conservation

Good practice

Lowland heath at Black Moor Common