Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Upland heath moors

Conservation.  Although the quality of the upland heathland habitat has suffered - there are substantial areas where heather and other dwarf shrubs have been suppressed - there is potential for restoration and conservation.

However, there will be further significant loss of heather moorland to acid grassland if current grazing levels and pressures continue.

Factors causing loss or decline

Legal protection

The areas of upland heath in Barnsley are either within sites designated as SSSI or as a Local Wildlife Site. Some of the area is designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA).

SSSIs have legal protection. Certain operations require consent from Natural England.

Natural England promotes managing and bringing SSSIs into favourable condition and monitors such work.

LWS have a presumption against development but have no protection against operations that do not require planning consent.

The Defra Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) Regulations may apply.

Activities on upland heath where protected species are present may involve offences being committed under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. Protected species include all breeding birds. Licences may be needed from Natural England.



Managing …upland heathland

Wildlife Trusts

Upland heathland

Natural England

Climate change and upland heathland

 Upland Heathland Conservation

Good practice  conservation management

Heather on moundSnailsden Moss above reservoir