Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




View of parkland with veteran trees at Wentworth Castle

Parkland and Wood Pasture Conservation. There is a need for conservation of the significant sites and veteran trees in Barnsley.

Factors causing loss or decline of parkland habitat

Legal protection

Inclusion in Historic England’s Register of Historic Parks and Gardens is a material consideration for planning applications as is the presence of Veteran Trees.

National Planning Policy NPPF Para 175c, states that development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats (such as Ancient or Veteran Trees) should be refused, unless there are wholly exceptional reasons and a suitable compensation strategy exists.

Natural England has Standing Advice on protecting Veteran Trees from development in parkland or wherever they are.

Work on trees with Tree Preservation Orders or within Conservation Areas are subject to consultation with the local planning authority.

Local Wildlife Site status is a material consideration in planning applications.

Individual trees may also have some protection if they contain bat roosts or hole-nesting birds.

Good management practice

Deer with mature and veteran trees in Stainborough parklands

Parkland/Wood Pasture Conservation

See also guidance and requirements for Environmental Land Management and Countryside Stewardship Schemes.

Parkland and Woodpasture

Buglife: Woodpasture and parklands

PTES: Woodpasture and parkland

Ancient Tree Forum: treescapes

Historic England: Conservation Plans

Veteran Trees

Natural England:
Standing Advice on Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees
Veteran Trees: good management

Forestry Comm: Veteran trees

Woodland Trust: Ancient trees

Ancient Tree Inventory

Ancient Tree Forum

Information and guidance