Landowners and managers:
- follow best practice in managing their rush pastures for wildlife and take up environmental stewardship where possible.
- take up opportunities to restore or create rush pastures where this does not damage other habitats.
Natural England:
- provides guidelines and sets conditions to protect biodiversity, administers countryside stewardship and change of use authorisation
Barnsley Council as planning authority:
- sets conditions in relevant planning applications to ensure that the biodiversity value of rush pastures is maintained and enhanced.
Voluntary groups and volunteers:
- help with rush pasture management;
- help with information about the condition of rush pastures and provide records of the wildlife in them.
Rush Meadows: Key objectives
- Raise awareness of the importance of Rush Pasture and wet marshy grassland for biodiversity
- Collect and analyse records of populations and assemblages of wildlife species in Rush Pastures in Barnsley, including Lapwing, Curlew, Snipe, Brown Hare.
- Review the extent and condition of Rush Pasture habitat.
- Maintain the extent of Rush Pasture habitat and improve the conservation value of existing rush pasture habitats through appropriate management.
- Encourage the creation of new Rush Pasture habitat. This should not be at the expense of the removal of other valuable habitats like unimproved grassland.
- Seek to create links and corridors between rush pasture habitat sites and with other habitats.
What is being done
- Environmental Stewardship Schemes have supported appropriate management in some areas.
- Some local holdings may be under an agricultural scheme which includes appropriate Rush Pasture management.
Proposed actions
- Encourage participation by farmers in environmental land management schemes.
- Project to identify Rush Pasture sites and maintain inventories of
- sites of high value and interest
- sites with potential to be restored to priority status.
Marking progress
- No reduction in current extent of Rush Pasture
- Rush Pasture created
- Rush Pasture sites under positive conservation management / in favourable condition
- Conduct assessment of condition of identified sites.