Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Conservation. Species-rich Acid Grassland sites in Barnsley are small in area, localised and fragmented; with some being lost or declining in condition: Acid Grassland is a priority for conservation.

Factors causing loss or decline

Legal protection

The Dark Peak SSSI in Barnsley includes acid grassland with some protection through this designation.

The Acid Grassland sites in Local Wildlife Sites have a presumption against development or change of use when planning consent is required.

Specific wildlife species in grassland habitats are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. This includes intentionally or recklessly disturbing birds at, on or near an ‘active’ nest.

Good management practice for biodiversity:

Maintaining or returning to traditional low-intensity farming of semi-natural unimproved or semi-improved acid grassland.

In addition

Harebell in acid grassland

Links for advice and information

Magnificent meadows:guidance

RSPB: Grassland management for birds

RSPB: Grazing grassland

Buglife: Acid grassland management

NE: Assessing grassland priority habitat

NE: Grassland management handbook

NE: Horses & grassland management

Acid Grassland BAP priority habitat in favourable condition is denoted by:

≥ One frequent and three occasional Acid Grassland indicator species

< 5% undesirable species eg dock, nettle, thistle, ragwort , rosebay willowherb, …

< 20% bracken; < 5% scrub/bramble, encroachment

< 20% coarse grasses eg Cock’s-Foot, Yorkshire Fog.

< 10% bare ground.

From Farm Environment Plan guidance

Acid grassland at Wharncliffe

Acid Grassland Conservation

See also guidance and requirements

for Countryside Stewardship and

New Environmental Land Management Schemes