Parkland, Wood Pasture & Veteran Trees: Key objectives
- Raise awareness of the importance of parkland, wood pasture and veteran trees for biodiversity as well as heritage and the landscape.
- Review extent and condition of parkland and wood pasture habitat in Barnsley, including surveys for selected sites.
- Collect and analyse records of populations and assemblages of wildlife species in parkland and wood pasture habitat.
- Protect additional historic parks, former parkland remnants and wood pasture sites through Local Wildlife Site designation.
- Promote conservation management of parkland and wood pasture sites, including renewing and extending wood pasture.
- Complete a register of ancient and other veteran trees in Barnsley and protect through TPOs or otherwise.
- Encourage owners of land with ancient and other veteran trees to conserve them, retaining dead wood, even if untidy.
Landowners and managers:
- follow best practice in managing parkland and wood pasture
- protect and conserve veteran trees, wherever they are.
Natural England: administers stewardship funding schemes
Historic England:gives advice and provides grants for historic parklands.
Barnsley Council as planning authority:
- sets conditions in relevant planning applications to ensure that the biodiversity value of parklands and wood pasture is maintained and enhanced.
- Sets conditions to protect ancient and veteran trees in planning applications
- issues Tree Preservation Orders and designates Conservation Areas.
Voluntary groups and volunteers:
- help with parkland management and conservation;
- help with information about parkland, wood pasture and veteran trees and provide wildlife records to the Record Centre.
What has been done?
- Veteran tree surveys carried out at Stainborough, Wortley & Cannon Hall.
- Restoration of park landscapes carried out at Bretton Park and Stainborough Park.
- Veteran trees survey Cannon Hall 2016.
- Conservation of Cannon Hall parkland, Parks for People project BMBC 2017-21.
- Management plans including biodiversity for key parkland sites including Stainborough (National Trust) and Cannon Hall (BMBC)
Proposed actions
- Maintain ancient/veteran trees inventory
- Campaign to identify, register, protect and conserve ancient/veteran trees . 2022-25
- Maintain inventories of parkland and wood pasture and promote their conservation
- LWS designation of more parkland sites and further TPOs for veteran trees 2022-25
- More parkland and wood pasture LWS in conservation management 2022-25.
Marking progress
- No reduction in extent of parkland and wood pasture habitat
- Parklands and wood pasture in positive conservation management
- Wood pasture created, extended or renewed.
- Ancient and other veteran trees identified
- Ancient and other veteran trees given protected status
- Ancient and other veteran trees managed and conserved.
Parkland & Wood-Pasture Actions