Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Wombwell Ings

Floodplain Grazing Marsh: Key objectives


Landowners and managers:

Grants. A number of organisations may offer grants for Grazing Marsh management, improvement and restoration. It can also be part of countryside stewardship schemes

Natural England: Where it is intended to change the use of Grazing Marsh this should be subject to a change of use application to Natural England. Sites with SSSI status have additional conditions for their management and use.

Environment Agency, Internal Drainage Boards, Water Companies have a statutory duty to further conservation where consistent with purposes of enactments relating to their functions. Water Resources Act 1991; Land Drainage Act 1991. There is also a regulatory role.

Barnsley council as a planning authority:

Voluntary groups and volunteers

What has been done?

Proposed actions

Marking Progress

Ditches in grazing marsh at Broomhill Flash

Floodplain grazing marsh actions