Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Amenity grassland with wild carrot

Key objectives


Barnsley Council, parish councils, schools, other estate managers:

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust:

Barnsley council as planning authority:

Voluntary groups and volunteers:

Several of the images in this section have been produced in the Dearne Valley NIA programme. Our thanks are due to the RSPB for much of the information provided.

Proposed actions

What is being done

Marking Progress

Signage explaining to the public what is being done to promote wildlife in the amenity grasslandGrassland managed for wildflowers with mown areas next to TPT path

Amenity Grassland Action Plan

Barnsley Council sets out the approach in: Managed rewilding - a new way to manage our grasslands

It identifies the trial sites areas of amenity grassland for reduced and late cutting to allow longer grass to grow and more flowering plants to develop.

Barnsley council has revised its grass-cutting policies to identify areas across Barnsley from 2022 for ‘rewilding’, introducing mowing regimes to promote biodiversity: