What has been done
- Grass Snakes benefited from wetland and pond creation, and composting schemes.
- Brownfield site reptile surveys undertaken in Dearne Valley DVLP 2015-2019
- …
Reptiles: Key Objectives
- Raise awareness of the need to conserve populations and assemblages of reptiles and encourage participation in their conservation.
- Survey & monitor all known sites of Grass Snake and Common Lizard, and survey potential sites for reptiles across Barnsley, including brownfield sites.
- Determine the distribution of reptiles across Barnsley
- Maintain the range, distribution and abundance of existing reptile populations and if possible create areas for their potential expansion.
- Promote and monitor positive conservation management of sites that support reptiles [see good conservation practice]
- Ensure important reptile* sites are protected through designation as Local Wildlife Sites.
Marking progress
- Number of occupied 1km squares with reptile records
- Identified sites maintained with good reptile populations.
- Number of sites with good populations of Grass Snake
- Number of sites with good populations of Common Lizard
- Number of sites with populations of reptiles under positive conservation management / favourable habitat suitability.
Proposed actions
- Conservation management of known sites with good populations of reptiles, including LWS
- Additional sites with good populations of reptiles* identified for designation, protected and conserved.