Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Standing Advice

General Standing Advice on surveys and mitigation for protected species in development projects [link]

Standing Advice for

Specific Protected Species

[* classed as ‘European Protected Species’]

Standing Advice is also provided on:

These give general advice and specific advice on certain protected species and the nature of their protection.

See also Standing Advice on Ancient woodland and veteran trees [link]

Protected Species

Where a development might affect protected species on or near a proposed site, specific issues may apply and be considered by planning authorities in deciding whether to approve or refuse an application.

Many of these species are also given protection by law outside the planning process. The protection varies depending on the species.

Natural England has published Standing Advice on Protected Species.

The Standing Advice sets out ways to identify the potential impacts of development and the risk reduction, mitigation and compensation measures that may be necessary if planning applications are to be approved. Links to useful checklists are included.

It also gives advice to landowners, developers and ecologists on the steps they must take to avoid harming the protected species and falling foul of the law in advance of a planning application as well as when conducting surveys.

Restrictions may still apply to a roost or nest when the wildlife species itself is not present.

In many cases special licences must be applied for.

Standing Advice is also available for individual protected species or type of species. This covers:

It is important that, in addition to conducting surveys on the ground in appropriate seasons, biological records are obtained from the Barnsley Biological Record Centre and other relevant sources.

For developers

Natural England has also published information for developers on how to prepare a planning proposal to avoid harm or disturbance to protected species. [link]. And how to avoid harming protected areas and species during development construction work. [link]

Cover of Barnsley's Local Plan 2019

Protected Species