Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Traditional Orchard Conservation

Although there has been a loss and decline in condition of Traditional Orchards from the 1950s onwards some examples still exist in Barnsley and there is scope for their conservation and restoration. More recently there has also been interest in the creation of small scale community orchards and a rising demand for older, regional fruit varieties.

Causes of loss or decline of Traditional Orchard habitat

See also guidance and requirements for Countryside Stewardship and

Environmental Land Management Schemes.



Traditional Orchard project

Biodiversity, Traditional Orchard survey and inventory, Practical Guides. Orchard Network Other links

Natural England
Traditional Orchard Technical Notes

Site and tree selection, planting and establishing fruit trees, general pruning, formative pruning, maintenance pruning, restoration of neglected orchards, tree health, and wildlife.

Also available on

Community Orchards How to guide

Good management practice

The key to positive conservation management of Traditional Orchards is to continue or reinstate low intensity management and undertake remedial action to counter any neglect.

Apples in traditional orchard

Traditional Orchard Conservation

Legal protection

National policies have a presumption against clearance of or development on priority habitats. Natural England provides Standing Advice on the protection of Veteran Trees

Work on trees with Tree Preservation Orders or within Conservation Areas are subject to consultation with local planning authorities.

Local Wildlife Site status is a material consideration in planning applications.

Work on orchards where protected species are present may commit offences under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. Protected species include all breeding birds and all species of bats. Licences may be needed from Natural England.