Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023





National policies have a presumption against clearance of semi-natural woodland for other land uses.

Natural England has issued Standing Advice on protecting ancient woodland from development, on the basis that ancient woodland is irreplaceable.

Thinning or clearance of woodland requires a felling licence from the Forestry Commission. This will stipulate the type and level of restocking.

Wet woodland is present in some of the Dearne Valley SSSI sites.

Wet Woodland in LWS has a presumption against permission for change of use.

Individual or groups of trees may be protected by Tree Preservation Orders.

Felling and woodland management where protected species are present may commit offences under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. Protected species include all breeding birds and species of bats. Licences may be needed from Natural England.

Good management practice:

Wet woodlands are well-suited to a low-intervention approach. Positive conservation management in stages over time includes:

Wet Woodland at Gunthwaite Dam

Conservation: Wet Woodland is well represented in Barnsley with many opportunities for its conservation.

Causes of loss or decline of Wet Woodland

Willow Carr wet woodland at Worsbrough resevoir

Wet Woodland Conservation

See also guidance and requirements

for Countryside Stewardship and

New Environmental Land Management Schemes

Links for Information and Advice

Natural England Standing Advice

Buglife: Managing wet woodland

Woodland Trust Woodland Flood prevention

Forest Research: Woodland Flood prevention

RSPB: Management of Wet Scrub.