Conservation. Wetland habitats such as reedbeds and other areas with fen vegetation in Barnsley are valuable for an range of wildlife species of conservation importance. They need to be managed, extended and connected. They are a priority for conservation.
Factors causing loss or decline of wetland habitats
Good practice in management of wetland habitats
Regular management helps reedbed habitat.
Conservation action across the country since the 1990s has been successful in restoring and creating large areas of reedbed. The work in the Dearne Valley is a significant contribution.
Legal protection.
In Barnsley some sites are given legal protection by being in Local Nature Reserves.
In 2021 Dearne Valley Wetlands weree designated as a SSSI with the statutory protection this provides.
Other sites in Barnsley are in areas designated as Local Wildlife Sites for which there is a presumption against development or change of use that would have an adverse effect on their conservation value when planning consent is required.
Specific wildlife species of reedbeds and other wetland habitats are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act including intentionally or recklessly disturbing birds at, on or near an ‘active’ nest.
Defra Ecological Impact Assessments apply to reedbeds.
RSPB: Bringing reedbeds to life
Buglife: Managing reedbeds
Scot NH Fen Management handbook
Reedbed and Fen Conservation