Landowners and managers
- be aware of the potential value of previously developed land for biodiversity in considering management, change of use, or development.
- follow best practice in managing and restoring areas of open mosaic habitat for biodiversity
Conservation bodies:
- give advice and support on identification and management of previously developed land. Buglife and Opal are particularly active.
Natural England:
- gives advice on open matrix habitat on previously developed land management.
Barnsley Council as planning authority:
- ensures that planning applications consider the biodiversity value of previously developed land and that the necessary ecology reports are provided.
- sets conditions in relevant planning applications to ensure that the value of open mosaic habitat on previously developed land for biodiversity is maintained and enhanced.
Voluntary groups and volunteers:
- help with information to identify open mosaic habitats and provide records of the wildlife in them.
- help with previously developed land management
Key objectives
- Raise awareness of the importance of previously developed sites as habitats for biodiversity and open matrix habitat in particular.
- Identify potential open matrix habitat sites on previously developed land and promote their being surveyed and recorded.
- Collect and analyse records of populations and assemblages of wildlife species in previously developed land in Barnsley with an emphasis on plants, invertebrates and reptiles.
- Promote positive conservation management practice of identified open matrix habitat sites on previously developed land and other specialised habitats in order to bring them into favourable condition.
- Seek the conservation of open mosaic habitats on previously developed land where they are in danger of being damaged or lost through succession, inappropriate management or development.

Marking progress
- Open Mosaic habitat sites designated as LWS
- Open Mosaic habitat sites in positive conservation management
- …
What has been done
- Project with communities exploring wildlife in local brownfield sites particularly former pit stacks. DVLP,
- Former pit sites reptile surveys. DVLP
- Mapplewell Tip and Elsecar Colliery designated as LWS. BMBC
Proposed actions
- Identification of further open mosaic habitat on previously developed land
- Prioritised conservation management programme.
- Additional OMH sites identified for LWS designation,protected and conserved.
Previously Developed Land