Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




LWS with potential to support Otter

38 Old Moor and Wath Ings

36 Broomhill Flash and Wombwell Ings

35 Edderthorpe Ings

39 Bolton-on-Ings wetland

31 Sunny Bank, Horse Carr & Storrs Wood,

25 Barnsley Canal at Wilthorpe

26 Cliffe Wood (Dearne Valley Country Park)

24 Worsbrough reservoir

Otter: distribution of signs of Otter in Barnsley

Surveys for Otters in Barnsley have confirmed evidence of occasional Otter activity along the Dearne valley and there has also been evidence of activity on a tributary of the river Don in the west of  the borough.

54 Old Mill Lane Culvert Bat Roost etc

36 Broomhill Flash and Wombwell Ings

60 Rabbit Ings -Sandybridge Dike

Adwick washlands

Otter spraint on stone near river Dearne

Although there have been occasional sightings of Otter, the main evidence of the presence of Otter is the spraints they leave behind, as well as feeding remains or footprints.

Map to be annotated to indicate sites which have had evidence of presence of Otter.

There are no Local Wildlife Sites designated specifically for Otter. Confirmed breeding sites and sites regularly used for resting would warrant LWS status. Cover such as thick scrub and bramble adjacent to corridors subject to high levels of Otter activity would be included.

Otter Distribution