Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP Updated to 2023

 Biodiversity Action Plan

UK BAP/Section 41 Species
identified as Local Priority Species

In addition to the Schedule 1 priority species listed above, the following Schedule 1 birds breed or have bred recently in Barnsley:

Bearded Tit (Green), Cetti’s Warbler (Green), Garganey (Amber), Goshawk (Green), Hobby (Green), Mediterranean Gull (Amber), Peregrine (Green), Marsh Harrier (Amber), Quail (Amber).

Sites that are a local priority for conservation include sites with a breeding population of a Schedule 1 species as well as any sites that support a significant proportion of the breeding population of 2 or more of the Priority Species (listed in the table above) or an assemblage of 10 or more birds with at least 1 Priority Species.

Sites may also be a priority for conservation if they regularly support significant wintering populations or assemblages.

Red List Species

Amber List Species

Other species on Amber List  identified as Local Priority

UKBAP / Section 41 Species on Amber List

Avocet -Schedule 1

Grey Wagtail (2021)

Pied flycatcher (2021)


Short-eared Owl (SPA)


All breeding in Barnsley (7)

Bittern*(2015) -Schedule 1



Nightjar (2015)

Song Thrush*

Reed Bunting.

Notes: *Included in previous Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plans as Local Priority Species.

Species in bold: At greatest risk of being lost as a Barnsley breeding bird. Others in danger of decline.

National priority species: listed in UKBAP 2007, superceded by Section 41 list of Species of Principal importance.

Red, Amber, Green as listed in Birds of Conservation Concern November 2021 (BoCC5)

Schedule 1. Breeding birds with extra protection for their nests and young under Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981.

SPA . Breeding bird species for which Special Protection Area designated.

Other Local Priority Species

Local Priority Species total 48,
including 27 national priority species

 Local Priority Species in Barnsley

UK BAP / Section 41 Species on Red List


Curlew (2015)

Grey Partridge*

Grasshopper Warbler


House Sparrow


Lesser Spotted Woodpecker


Redpoll (Lesser)

Ring Ouzel (2015)


Spotted Flycatcher


Tree Pipit

Tree Sparrow*

Willow Tit

Wood Warbler


Yellow Wagtail.

Dunlin (2021)

House Martin (2021)

Greenfinch (2021)

Merlin (2015) - Schedule 1 (SPA)

Mistle Thrush (2015)

Pochard (2015)

Ringed Plover (2015)

Swift (2021)

Whinchat (2015)

Woodcock (2015)

All breeding in Barnsley(10)

Prior to 2021 Greenfinch was on green list and House Martin and Swift on amber list. All others prior to 2015 on amber list.

Total number of red listed birds breeding in Barnsley: 30

Curlew and Ring Ouzel prior to 2015 on amber list.

All breeding in Barnsley (20) although Hawfinch may be lost

Other species on Red List identified as Local Priority

Green List Species

Barn Owl* -Schedule 1

Golden Plover (SPA)

Kingfisher -Schedule 1,

Little Ringed Plover*
-Schedule 1

Other species on Green List identified as Local Priority

Bittern and Nightjar prior to 2015 on red list

All breeding in Barnsley (6)

Pied Flycatcher prior to 2021 on red list; Grey Wagtail red in 2015

Total number of amber listed Local Priority birds : 13

National priority species total: 27

UKBAP / Section 41 Species on Green List

Red Grouse, prior to 2021 on amber list

All breeding in Barnsley (4); Kingfisher prior to 2021 on Amber List. Total number of green listed Local Priority bird species: 5