Marking progress
- Return of Salmon to Barnsley rivers in increasing numbers
- Breeding Salmon in Barnsley
- Populations of Bullheads maintained
- Populations of Eels maintained
- Populations of Brown Trout and Grayling maintained
- Identify key river and stream sections for Bullhead populations and develop a conservation and enhancement strategy for the species in the borough.
- Extensive works on River Dearne at Broomhill to create deeper pools, gravel bars and bank side improvements. (EA)
- Fish stocks increased periodically by Environment Agency, incl Barbel.
- Augmenting natural populations through release of elvers (young Eels)
- Fish passes: Adwick, Bolton-on-Dearne, Old Moor on Dearne. Weir removed at Darfield. DCRT
- Fish passes: Wharncliffe weir on Don and Langsett weir on Little Don. YW
Proposed actions
- Continued publicity on value of rivers with Good Ecological Status for fish species
- Analysis of fish records in rivers.
- Repeat release of elvers at Old Moor
- Identification of potential LWS sites for populations of Bullhead, Brown Trout, Eel or Salmon.
- Potential fish pass at Old Mill Lane weir
- Restoration of riparian vegetation on bare sections of river bank
Fish Local Priority Species: Key objectives
- Raise awareness of the need to maintain and extend Brown Trout, Bullhead and Eel populations and enable the return of Salmon.
- Monitor rivers for numbers and distribution of Brown Trout, Bullhead, and Eel; and record any presence of Salmon.
- Review the condition of river and stream habitats in Barnsley for fish and promote measures to improve them. (See running water section)
- Promote projects to increase the populations of priority fish species including the removal of obstructions to fish passage.
- Designate sites with significant populations of Bullhead, Brown Trout or Salmon as Local Wildlife Sites, particularly those at risk.