Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




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Local Wildlife Site criteria

The criteria for consideration of blanket bog habitat as a Local Wildlife Site are that the sites are over 0.25ha, on a peat substrate >0.5m deep, and have an affinity with National Vegetation Classifications M3, M19, M20 and M25.

Designated sites.

Blanket Bog habitat in Barnsley is found in the Barnsley sections of the Dark Peak SSSI (and South Pennines SAC and SPA) and the Barnsley Western Moors Local Wildlife Site which abuts the SSSI and forms a buffer to it.

The SSSI also forms part of the South Pennine Moors SPA designated in recognition of its populations of upland breeding birds - Golden Plover, Merlin and Short-eared Owl.

The areas of blanket bog are also included within the South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation (SAC) …

Blanket Bog Sites. Blanket bogs or mires in Barnsley are found on the Pennine plateau to the west of the borough, mostly (but not entirely)  within the Peak District National Park.

The best sites will have a good range of notable plants typical of blanket bog or support good populations of key species.

Blanket Bog with eroding peat

 Blanket Bog Sites