Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023.




Habitat requirements

Glowworms are active only after dark and so need good cover to conceal themselves from predators. In addition, the female needs a prominent position such as a bank, hummock, tussock or similar feature, to attract a passing male by ‘glowing’. The habitat needs to support a good snail population.

Good practice in helping to conserve Glowworm populations

Legal Protection

There is no legal protection for Glowworms.

Local Wildlife Sites have a presumption against development but no protection against operations that do not require planning or change of use consent.

Glowworm conservation

Sites which support Glowworms may be unknowingly destroyed and their habitat fragmented. This leads to the extinction of local populations. In Barnsley there is one known site which has Local Wildlife Site status. It is on the Transpennine Trail, a former railway track, owned by Barnsley council with some Glowworms sometimes found on neighbouring land in private hands.

Factors in Loss or Decline

Associated habitats


Buglife: Information

UK Glowworm: Information



Glowworm image