Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Local Wildlife Sites
with Water Vole populations


25 Barnsley Canal at Wilthorpe LWS

35 Edderthorpe Ings LWS

38 Old Moor and Wath Ings LWS

39 Bolton-on-Dearne Wetlands LWS


36 Broomhill Flash & Wombwell Ings LWS

37 Gypsy Marsh LWS

55 Parkhill Brickworks nature reserve LWS

57 Swaithe Flood Meadows LWS?

1 Western Moors

27 Carlton Marsh LWS

60 Rabbit Ings LWS -Sandybridge Dike

With potential water vole populations

17 Dakin Brook

Potential Local Wildlife Sites
with Water Vole populations

Athersley Pond

Water Vole Distribution in Barnsley

Within the Barnsley area a few sites still support the Water Vole: Water Voles may be found in places on tributaries of the Dove and Dearne rivers and parts of the remaining canal system. They have also been found in the uplands on tributaries of the River Don.

Unfortunately Mink have moved into many areas, increasing the threat to remaining populations.

The map will be annotated to show the main areas for water voles:

There are currently no SSSIs supporting Water Vole; however Water Voles are found in a number of Local Wildlife Sites.

A LWS may be designated for any stretch of a watercourse within which a colony of Water Vole has been identified or for any water course or land that joins two or more colonies respectively less than 1km or 500m apart.

Water vole Water Vole swimming

Water Vole