Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2024




Differences with previous Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan.

There is more information given in this BAP than previously, including on good practice in conservation management. There are sections on Planning and Development, Designated Sites and Records.

Habitats: Three national (UK BAP) priority habitats not in the previous Local Biodiversity Action Plan, are included: Lowland Fen, Upland Flushes, Fens and Swamps; and Traditional Orchards.

Some Local Priority Habitats have a wider definition than the UK BAP:

The UK BAP Priority Habitat Upland Oakwood is still listed as a Local Priority Habitat since remnants may be found in the Dark Peak area and any replanting of moorland cloughs should take account of this priority habitat. However almost all oakwoods present in Barnsley are included in the UK BAP Priority Habitat: Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodlands.

Three other habitats are included in the local list. These are amenity grassland, built up areas, and scrub.

Species: The previous BAP had a limited number of Local Priority Species of local concern and potential conservation action. This has been expanded to include the bird or animal species regularly breeding or wintering in Barnsley, or indeed plant species growing here, when they are identified nationally on statutory lists and schedules as well as red lists, because of their decline in numbers or contraction in distribution.